Our Core Virtues

RESPECT - Each person responds sensitively to the ideas and needs of others without dismissing or degrading them. Differences among people are celebrated and all members of the community are able to accept both praise and constructive suggestions from others. While affirming individual freedom, the rights of the group are also fully honored.

RESPONSIBILITY - Each person has a sense of duty to fulfill willingly the tasks he or she has accepted or has been assigned. All work is conscientiously performed. Members of the community feel comfortable asking for help and agree that they must be held accountable for their behavior.

SELF-DISCIPLINE - Each person agrees to live within limits, not only the ones mutually agreed upon, but, above all, those established personally. Self-discipline is exercised in relationships with others, especially in the way people speak to one another. Self-discipline also applies to the use of time. At the simplest level, self control reflects habits of good living.

SAFTEY - Each person must feel safe physically as well as socially and emotionally in order to flourish in the school environment. It is all of our responsibilities to ensure we create a safe learning environment for all of our students as well as our staff. 


RESPONSIVE CLASSROOM- Our school also follows the Responsive Classroom philosophy for building a safe community.  "The Responsive Classroom approach is a way of teaching that emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth in a strong and safe school community."  We understand the unique needs of our students and provide a variety of tools and lessons on self-regulation and working through challenges.  You can learn more about Responsive Classroom at the following link: 

Responsive Classroom


In addition to the virtues that are a part of our Richard Avenue Promise, the following virtues rooted in the Basic School Research of Ernest L. Boyer are also important to us here at RAES.

PERSEVERANCE - Each person is diligent, with the inner strength and determination to pursue well-defined goals. It does matter that a task be completed once begun, and to persevere not only teaches discipline, but brings rewards as well. Each person pushes hard to complete assignments, and all members of the community willingly support others in their work.

COMPASSION - Each person is considerate and caring. There is a recognition that everyone, from time to time, feels hurt, confused, or sad. Instead of ignoring such conditions, people reach out to one another. In the case of conflict, members of the community seek reconciliation and try to understand each other, even forgive.

HONESTY - Each person carries out his or her responsibilities carefully and with integrity, never claiming credit for someone else's work and being willing to acknowledge wrongdoing. Students and staff share their ideas openly, in a climate of trust, with a confidence that what is written and spoken is honestly expressed and that all people are trustworthy.