Parent Engagement Statement

Richard Avenue Elementary Parent and Family Engagement Plan

In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA),

as amended by the Every Student Succeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)

Parents, staff, and the building administrator have developed this Parent and Family Engagement Plan in

accordance with ESSA Section 1116 activities which are accomplished at Richard Avenue Elementary

in the ways listed in each Section.

ESSA Section

Ways in Which Richard Avenue Elementary Staff Accomplish These Activities

Describe the development of the Plan, including the stakeholders involved, the steps taken to ensure the Plan is understood, and the process for updating the Plan:

The Richard Avenue Parent and Family Engagement plan is a combination of several opportunities throughout the year that gives families the option and ability to make their voice heard. These include, but are not limited to, Open House, monthly PTA meetings, Family Nights, and conferences. These events, and others throughout the year allow for changes to be made, updated or brought to the attention of the team.

An annual meeting is held which includes information for parents on:

The PTA meets annually to discuss the Parent, Teacher and Student Compact and to add any other items parents feel are necessary for the Richard Avenue Staff. Parents are invited to attend Math/Literacy Curriculum Night. Parents are also invited into the building during the day by every grade level at least one other time in the school year so that students can share their learning with their parents. PTA offers parent/family nights at the beginning of the year to welcome families to our school, engage them in activities at school and encourage them to join the PTA where they can have an active role in events.

How are parents encouraged to attend?

Separate fliers are sent home, as well as reminders sent with every child. There are also email blasts reminders and auto dialers.Teachers get students excited for the events so that they tell their parents how much they want to go to the event. Information is also included in monthly parent newsletters. PTA also posts on their Facebook page about upcoming events for parents, PTA meetings, conference night, etc. In addition the PTA provides monthly raffles to increase parent membership and involvement.

Meetings are offered at times convenient for parents and if needed, transportation, childcare, and home visits can be arranged.

We used data from past surveys to plan days and times that work best for a majority of our families. Dates for events are given several weeks in advance and communicated on a variety of platforms (auto-dialer, newsletter, email, etc.) and translated as needed. PTA meetings are consistently the second Tuesday of the month and the date, time, and plan for the meetings are listed in the newsletter. Other platforms are used to remind parents of the PTA meetings. Prior to COVID, parents could bring their children to the PTA meetings so that childcare was not an issue. During COVID, PTA meetings have been virtual and the link is sent to all families to attend.

Parents are involved in the development of the School Improvement Plan and Title I Program in the following ways:

The PTA meets annually to discuss the Parent, Teacher and Student Compact and to add any other items parents feel are necessary for the Richard Avenue Staff. Each year at an opening PTA meeting, Title I status is discussed with the parents and decisions to support our students and families are based on their needs. The principal also shares at these meetings what it means to be a Project School and the extensive professional development that is provided to the staff in order to increase literacy proficiency.

Parents are provided information regarding the school Programs in the following ways:

Parents are also invited into the building during the day by every grade level at least one other time in the school year so that students and teachers can share what they have been learning. Other times video recordings and slides are sent to the parents, and teachers have become flexible by doing Google Meets for parents so that students can present speeches, plays, book reviews, etc. The building's website also provides parents with resources, monthly newsletters, and links. Teachers also send classroom newsletters and/or updates through email.

Parents are provided information about the school's curriculum, assessments, and proficiency level expectations in the following ways:

Parents are invited to attend Math and Literacy Curriculum night early in the year so that they can see and understand the literacy and math curriculum.Parents are also invited into the building during the day by every grade level at least once so that students can share their learning with their parents. Teachers provide conferences with parents at a minimum of two times a year. During conferences teachers provide parents with grade level expectations and curriculum information. At the beginning of the year during PTA meetings, time is devoted for school experts to provide question and answer sessions for various topics. These have included the school psychologist, social worker, and Direction for Youth Counselor who offer question and answer sessions for parents on social emotional issues, as well as, the literacy and math coaches on curriculum topics, and the Building Technology Coordinator providing support with Chromebooks, Google Classroom and other technology related questions.

Parents have opportunities to share suggestions, participate in decision making, and respond to any suggestions in the following ways:

Parents are invited to attend Response to Intervention meetings, PTA meetings, conferences and are encouraged throughout the school year to contact teachers and staff as needed. After school wide events, surveys are sent to families. These results are looked over and changes are made as needed. The PTA also has a Facebook page where they post questions to parents about communication preferences, curriculum, family nights, etc.

If parents are not satisfied with the School Improvement Plan or Programs, they have opportunities to make comments by:

Parents are encouraged to contact the school at any time. The Richard Avenue staff members are willing to support students/families in any way. The principal and the teachers encourage parents to call with any concerns through newsletters, emails, phone calls, RTI meetings, etc.